This blog is chronological description of my 78 CB750 chopper project which I began in April 05. SOHC (Single Over Head Cam) CB750 motors were produced by Honda from 1969-1978.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Day 25

Spent the weekend cleaning the heads, cylinders and pistons real good. If you remember last weekend I checked the compression and had zero compression on cylinder #3. Well, I found out real quick what the problem was there. The exhaust valve on cylinder #3 was bent...enough so that I was not getting a proper seal in the cylinder. Actually it was a severe enough bend that I had to cut the top off the valve to get it out of the head.

I also completely stripped the head and cylinder, and dipped them and cleaner. Alos cleaned up the pistons and removed the rings. One of the piston rings in cylinder #3 was corroded into the piston, but managed to get it out and get it cleaned up. Here are some pics...

...the head...

...the cylinder...


So now I'm ready for reassembly. The things I need before I can begin reassembly are a gasket set, a new valve to replace the one that was bent, and piston rings.

Also have been working diligently on polishing up the valve, stator, and gear covers. I'll post some pics ASAP.
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