This blog is chronological description of my 78 CB750 chopper project which I began in April 05. SOHC (Single Over Head Cam) CB750 motors were produced by Honda from 1969-1978.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Day 224-Maiden Voyage
Yesterday at 1414 hours Central Standard time it happened. I took my chop on its first ride. I think the last time I posted the motor was running, but I had some cylinders that were not firing. So last week I pulled the carbs that I rebuilt and put the carbs from my stocker on the chop. I knew these carbs were good and clean. After putting them on, the bike started with no problems, and ran great on all four cylinders. At this point I just had to get the wiring in some sort of resonable configuration so the bike was actually ridable. Jason came over Saturday and we got the bike off the platform. I bought a battery and charged it overnight. Yesterday I cleaned the wiring up and tood it for a spin. Didn't go far, just around the block, and barely got into 2nd gear. The chain was slapping against the fender when I got over 15 or 20 mph. The motor felt good/smooth, with a little popping out of the #4 carb. I can probably remedy this with the air/idle screw. Front brake is VERY spongy, so I won't be going very far or fast until I bleed the front brake. Turning radius is a concern. The handle bars hit the gas tank pretty quick. My goal for the weekend was to take it for a test ride. I accomplished that so I got no worries. Ground clearance is horrible. I have maybe 2". Dragman from the SOHC board says he has a used set of MAC drags...hopfully I get get'm on the cheap. The MACs should run paralell to the frame and should give me a full 4/5" of clearance. What else? Kickstand, seat and gas tank mounts, forward controls, rear brake, head/brake light wiring, coil mounting...I think u get the idea. Still plenty of work to do, but, its on the road and thats motivation enough to get me through this other stuff.