This blog is chronological description of my 78 CB750 chopper project which I began in April 05. SOHC (Single Over Head Cam) CB750 motors were produced by Honda from 1969-1978.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Day 270

Last time I posted my biggest concerns were carbs and pipes. I was using carbs from my stocker, and the pipes where running a little low. First lets start with carbs. With the carbs from my stocker the chop was running like a champ. However, that could only be a temporary situation as I was rebuilding my stocker at the time, and would eventually need those carbs back so I could get my stocker in good running order. Well, last weekend I road tripped up to Arkansas and picked up a 77 Super Sport from John, AKA Digurchop on the hondachopper web site, .

...heres a pic of the bike... (the one on the right)

So when I got back, I pulled the carbs off the 77 rejetted them, and put them on my chop. While they seemed to have problems on the 77, they run half way decent on the chop. So carb problem solved for now.

On to the pipes...

So the problem here was I was running MAC drag pipes which look great, but don't hug the frame very well, and hince run low to the ground. Probably only 3 or 4 inches clearance. For me, this is a problem for two reasons. #1-I don't want to slow down to 5 miles an hour every time a take a turn. And #2-It just ain't safe! Any bike I get, I want to RIDE!!! And I can't do that if I'm worried about dragging everytime I take a turn. All it takes is one time to lean to far, and this causes the rear tire to hop, and u'r eating asphault. So, what I did was this. I had a set of stock pipes that I had cut short, well, I cut them even shorter. They'r only about 15" long now. The leave the head and stop right at the point the down tube curves to form the bottom railing. Are they loud? You better believe it, but its a chop! Still is not as loud as an HD with stright pipes, so I don't feel to bad.

I havn't even rode it since I put the new pipes on it...had stuff go'n on every day after work. The weather is nice this weekend, so I'll ride some for sure. I'm just starting to scratch the surface of the power of this bike, as I become more comfortable on it. Now maybe its just me, but this motor feels like its get'n up. I'm comparing it to my Sportster 883, and it feels like I have at least that much power. Dare I say more??? No, I don't dare...not til I put it on the street with one.

Sorry about not having pics, the wifey has been back in NC for the holidays. I'll try and get some pics this weekend, and update this post.

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